Genre: Masked Theatre
Audience: Adults – Youth
Format: Medium
Language: No text
Duration: 105 Minutes
After André & Dorine and Solitudes, the Kulunka Theatre Company has once again opted for the silent language of masks in a show that combines tenderness with harsh reality.
Forever is the story of how a family moves away from what they once dreamed would be.
Reflecting on the contradictions of love with humour and irony, the show explores issues such as parenthood, childrearing, disability, overprotection, sexuality and violence. Performed on a rotating platform with an intensely film-like language, Forever is a merry-go-round; the Ferris wheel of life.
But it is also a spiral that, with every turn, delves deeper into its characters’ pain. Just how low can a lack of communication drag an entire family?
Perhaps the most disturbing (and the most exciting) thing about this play is that it could all too easily be the story of our lives too.
FOREVER is a co-production with the Spanish National Drama Centre, Arriaga Theatre in Bilbao and Victoria Eugenia Theatre in San Sebastián.
She and he love each other very much. Indeed, their love is so deep they want to materialise it by having a child. They desire this child with all their heart. It is a physical necessity. But, once he is born, they find that this longed-for son is not quite what they had imagined.
Thus begins Forever – the story of how a family moves away from what they dreamed would be. It is an ironic play about the idea of eternal love, in which fate is not responsible for everything.
José Dault
Garbiñe Insausti
Edu Cárcamo
Written by
Iñaki Rikarte
José Dault
Garbiñe Insausti
Edu Cárcamo
Set design
Javier Ruiz de Alegría
Costume and stage Design
Ikerne Giménez
Original Music and Sound design
Luis Miguel Cobo
Garbiñe Insausti
Production /international booking
Kulunka Teatro
Assistant director
Alberto Huici
Construction of scenery
Readest Montajes
Technical direction
La Cía de la Luz S.Coop.Mad.
María Díaz
Iñaki Rikarte